Hi guys, hope all is well!
so yesterday I went and saw the Jungle Giants, Northeast Party House + The Creases and it was also mine and my boyfriend, Brodie's two years! and it was seriously one of the utmost amazing days I have ever had in my life time.
How the day went:
at 9.00am Samantha, Ashley and Brodie met at mine and my dad + mum took us in ! My amazing boyfriend bought me the most Beautiful flowers! We listened to The Jungle Giants the whole way there of course.
10.15am - Once we got there a few people had already started lining up (there where around 20 people I guess so not many!) and waited in line for the next hour or so (doors opened at 11:30am). They didn't open the doors until 12.00am which was really annoying and also a group of about 15 girls push in-front of us because their "friends" where there but oh well, non the less we where going in !
My amazing Friend Samantha waiting in line |
The lounge was awesome, nice leather seats, bar at the back, stalls and benches everywhere and there was about 20 -30 people already finding a spot by the stage. We all made our way to the very left and side where there was some seats, a window frame that led to the other room and then we where 1 person away from the stage! We sat there for a while until finally The Creases came on stage!
The Creases (Lead singer has amazing style; overalls, docs and stripes !! ) |
The Creases |
Northeast Party House |
Northeast Party House - keyboard player/DJ |
They where really good and so nice, they all had such awesome style it was a great performance! Shortly after they preformed Northeast Party House started setting up there gear, and they had quite a bit of it. This took awhile so i snuck through the window to get some water and freshen up before they stared playing again. Northeast Party House I recommend everyone to go see live they where amazing! Their music gets you really hyped up and you just want to dance along and jump around. Once they had finished you guessed it - THE JUNGLE GIANTS!!!
Cesira (as you can see we are pretty much on stage) |
Sam singing - 'You've Got something' |
They came on and Cesira was right infront of us, about a meter away maybe even closer. Sam was in the middle, Andrew on the far side and Keelan at the back. The set they played was awesome closing with Shes a riot, it was such a fun experience and had an amazing vibe in the lounge! After they played and said good bye everyone raced over to the merch desk where they were doing a signing. I got my record signed by them all and even got a polaroid with Sam, Keelan and Andrew which their producer took. All of them where so nice, me and Samantha had a conversation about how there day was going and just chatted. Went over to say hay to The Creases and also Northeast Party House and they where all really nice also!
Signed Record by all members of the Jungle Giants ! |
Samantha, Ashley and I with Sam, Keelan + Andrew |
Jarrod From the Creases doing an awkward pose with us ! |
Had such an amazing day, one to remember thats for sure !! sorry this is a late post; ill post again soon!
Caitlyn xx
Next Concert/festival - Paramore