Top: Vintage // Shorts: A - Brand // Socks: Urban outfitters // Shoes: JC |
On the 9Th January 2014 I went to the Self titled tour (to the people who don't know who or what that involves read the title) supported by You Me At Six and Twenty One Pilots, with three of my good friends - Ashley, Febe and Matt. Now if you are reading this and you have no idea who I am talking about (Performance wise) you better click this, this and this to find out who im talking about. We arrived at the venue at 5 and it started at 7:30. and it was packed, a big line. The doors for the whole place opened at 6:30 so once we got in there it was a race to the other doors to make another line to line up for another hour to get into the arena. When it was time to go in we ran, ran as fast as we could to get as close to the front as possible and we did get fairly close; about five rows from the stage. After waiting there and making friends with the para-fans around us it was time for Twenty One Pilots. I've known them from when I booked the tickets and have fallen in love with the way Tyler plays his music live and I'm so happy I got to see him preform. The music flows through him and he performs what he is singing, all the emotion pours out and leaves him performing amazingly. Not many people in the crowd new who they where there where a few girls around me and I knew exactly who he was and his voice is astonishing! He kept insuring us that we where going to have a good time and indeed we all did! such a cutie.
Next up was You Me At Six who I have been obsessed with ever since I was thirteen and god they where a sight to see. All came on looking amazing as ever and played like angels, not to mention Josh's voice was to die for! Any-ho they played most of their music and half way through their proformace Ashley and Febe left me alone in the mosh as they had had enough of the constant pushing, girls passing out and sweating (Matt entered in another door so we were not with each other to begin with), by this time I was about three rows from the front. There show was awesome and as girls and guys started dropping like fly's and getting lifted out of the mosh pit I got closer and closer to the front. After they where finished it was the wait until the outstanding Paramore was on. I made friends with many people around me and slowly pushed my way forward to the bar.
It went black and all of a sudden a curtain dropped and there she was, Hayley Williams. I managed to push my way to the front by this point and was on the bar and man oh man was she amazing! Her voice is so crisp, it is in fact like they say - music for the taste buds. It got to the point where I made it to the centre point of the stage where she comes out to sing and it happened - I TOUCHED HER HAND AND SHE SIMILED AT ME ! oh god did I start crying hahah, her voice makes you want to cry anyway because it is that beautiful and harmonic that it makes you eyes start watering up. About 5 songs in and it got to the point in the mosh that I was getting pushed back and I was kinda getting trampled on by the people around me so I go lifted out and joined Ashley and Febe at the back where we danced like maniacs! If you have never experienced a mosh in your life its tough and hot and sweaty and once I got to the back and touched my pants you could ring them out and same goes with my top, it was horrid! Singing song after breath taking song and talking to us like her family it was sadly over and I teared at the fact that it was. It was such an amazing night and im so happy and blessed that I got to experiance it ! Best concert I have ever been to by far - amazing. So if you ever get the chance to see any of them live - jump at it because its something you will never forget, ever ! I put together a little video of the footage I got while I was at the front of the mosh - Just remeber its not the best as i was jumping around and getting pushed ! Hope you enjoy, post again soon.
Take care,
Caitlyn x
Next concert/festival - Big Day Out
Paramore! I used to be absolutely obsessed with them, but I would've loved to be there for the nostalgia nonetheless. Can I just say that you look stunning, and I seriously commend you on stillremaining in one piece at the mosh pit. I was close to losing my shoes last night haha, and I wasn't that close to the stage! It sounds like such a surreal experience though, I should really attend more gigs. Am really keen to hear how Big Day Out goes though :) xx