Monday, 24 March 2014

Who can live without some black clothes?

Top: Topshop // Shorts: Handmade // Socks: Sportsgirl //  Shoes: Vintage // Sunglasses: Sportsgirl 
Olla ! Hope your Tuesday was better than your Monday blues! Today I have an outfit post from Sunday. Of course I am wearing all black because like the title says "Who can live without some black clothes? Its super comfy for running errens and looking in art gallerias as I did on Sunday. My socks are the only thing which isn't just all black and my dinner shows are one of my coolest pair of shoes I own. They jazz up an outfit and I feel good when i wear them because I always get complements on them. My monochrome outfit is one of many to be added to the list! Hope you are well, Jungle Giants Sunday !!!  post again soon!

C/K x 

Next Concert/Festival - The Jungle Giants (Sunday)